All players are expected to wear the full club uniform which includes:
Beecroft Netball Club Tunic
White ankle length socks (they must cover the ankle)
Black boyleg briefs (scungies)
Club jackets and hoodies are available (but not mandatory)
Players must ensure before each game they have short nails and have removed all jewellery including earrings and body piercings.
New Uniforms
New Uniforms are available to purchase from Netball Warehouse. Order online here.
They can be contacted Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm.
Second Hand Uniforms
A second hand uniform stall will be available at registration day for new and returning players.
After registration day, second hand uniforms can be sourced using the Beecroft Netball Facebook Group.
Second hand uniforms can be posted in the group for sale, buyers and sellers will work it out between themselves.
All second hand uniforms are sold for $30.
If you do not have access to Facebook and you are selling or buying second hand dresses, you may email the Uniform Coordinator Louise de Vos or phone on 0408350302 to sell or source your items.